Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Two Day Recap

Greetings friends and family!!

I was very busy last night so I wasn't able to blog so here is a recap of the past two days!

I had Modern British Politics first and we discussed what makes a good politician and why someone would want to be a politician. Then I had Theatre in the afternoon. We discussed the play from last week and it was really interesting. In the evening we went to a show. We saw figi land. It was dark and depressing and absolutely amazing. I think everyone who saw it enjoyed it and thought it was the most "fringe" show we've seen. After getting back from the show I went right to sleep because I was absolutely exhausted.

Today Jill and I decided to get out of our rooms while they were being cleaned (because it's really awkward). We went to Kensington Gardens to read and do some last minute homework before class. We sat in the park for a while before we started to freeze, so we moved to a Starbucks instead. We then went to Crime fiction where we discussed Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. After class, we ran back to Metrogate for some quick dinner and then headed to a pub for Theatre class. We discussed what we thought the show meant and how we felt. It nice going to a pub and having discussions with professors. It makes class so much more relaxed and interesting. When class was over, we ran to Tesco for a ton of junk food and now we're watching Chuck.

Exciting things happening in London!
The underground workers are going on strike tonight. They start at 9pm and will continue for the next 48 hours (or until an agreement is made). This is going to happen again next week. It's definitely been keeping us on our toes as we try to find alternate routes for getting to meetings outside of the classroom.

One final thing......
Here's a little gift from me. This song has been stuck in my head for the past two days and I love it a lot. I hope you all enjoy it!


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