Thursday, 6 March 2014

Theatre Week

Ok so I have been incredibly lazy and I haven't blogged all week. As I started to go back and write each day's blog I quickly realized that this week wasn't too interesting. There were only a few things that really stuck out so I decided to put everything in to one big post. I had class everyday and we saw 2 shows for theatre this week. Those are the two big things I want to talk about.

On Monday we went and saw a show called "Sizwe Banzi is Dead." It was, by far, the best show we have seen. The show was about a man in South Africa who tried to move to the city from the country. He received a stamp in his passbook that required him to go back to his village in 3 days. But, he finds a dead man's passbook with all of the proper stamps and has to make the decision whether or not he wants to take it. It was amazing. We walked in and were immediately segregated into  "White" and "Non-white" which added a very real element to the play. It was funny and meaningful and I think all of us really enjoyed it.

The second performance we saw was Punchdrunk. It was one of the weirdest/best experiences I have had in my entire life. It's incredibly hard to explain, so bear with me. The theatre is an old warehouse with 5 floors. You walk in and are given a mask to wear. They then take you up an elevator and let you out on all different floors. You walk around on the set. The entire building is the set. I stayed with Jill and Becky because we were a little afraid of going by ourselves. We touched everything and explored until we found actors and they would act around us. Most of the time they pretended that the audience wasn't there but every once in a while they would interact with someone. It was terrified when we started but I fell in love with it. Because the space is so big there is no way to see everything and all of the story lines that are happening at the same time. So, when we met and discussed it it was really cool to hear about what everyone saw and did.

Tonight, Jill, Dyllan and I tried to watch a DVD for Crime Fiction but nothing really wanted to cooperate with us. Eventually, we were able to watch it. The worst part was that it wasn't even very good. When we finished we headed up to the kitchen to make macaroni and cheese and watch better TV. We had a really good time just hanging out and eating. It has been great meeting so many new people and really getting to know them.


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